
Hunger Fast

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Hunger Fast


Hunger Fast is a call to the table of the Lord.

The cry of revival is in the sounds of hunger and desperation for more of God. Without it, we wouldn’t leave the desert in search of new pastures and fruit that will satisfy our souls.

There is a season and reason for everything. At this time, the world has entered into a famine of the spirit. This spiritual famine is the remedy and the cure, launching us towards a spiritual hunger for something more. By hungering for the things of God, we shall be filled and fully satisfied. In doing so, we carry the zeal and the Spirit of the Lord which sets us apart, eager to see more of His Kingdom move upon the earth.

The table is set, the feast prepared. Are you willing to enter into His presence, feast on his goodness and dine with the King?

This is your invitation.

“To have a passion for more of God is to be dangerous to the world” - Charlotte Chan

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