
New Reality

I’m looking for a new reality,

I’m looking beyond the storm within,

I’m looking for a new reality,

And it’s just about to begin.

It’s of deeper depths,

And higher heights,

It’s of monumental foundational plights,

Of apron strings and tightened belts.

A movement of awakening,

And what family brings,

My empassioned due north,

And my emboldened shout.

So here’s to you,

And our victory, without a doubt.

Here’s a new poem I’ve just written about the winds that are changing.

To be honest, my life has been shaken and stirred in so many ways lately, that it’s been hard to see the sun through the clouds. It’s left me feeling not quite myself and unsure of the path that I’m on.

But I still trust that God is with me and for me, even in this turbulence. I trust that when he says we’ll fly, then we’ll fly and if he says we’ll land, than we’ll land.

One thing’s for sure, is that we can’t do this alone, especially on this creative journey as an artist.

Community is so important, and a creative community, even more so.

So I’m setting off on the horizon in search for community again - my new reality.